Aug 28, 2023

5 Key Takeaways from the CIVITAS Networks for Health 2023 Annual Conference

The CIVITAS Networks for Health 2023 Annual Conference brought together stakeholders from across the healthcare industry to discuss the future of health data sharing. The conference highlighted the many challenges and opportunities associated with this important issue, and it provided a forum for stakeholders to discuss how to move forward.

Here are five key takeaways from the conference:

1. TEFCA has the potential to transform health data sharing. The Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA) is a new federal initiative that aims to create a nationwide network for sharing health data. TEFCA has the potential to improve the quality and timeliness of care, as well as reduce costs. However, there are also some challenges that need to be addressed, such as ensuring patient privacy, data usability and security.


2. Health data utilities can improve health outcomes. Health data utilities are organizations that aggregate and analyze health data from multiple sources. They can use this data to identify trends, improve care coordination, and develop new treatments. Health data utilities have the potential to improve health outcomes for millions of people.


3. Identity resolution is essential for aggregating reliable and usable data. Identity resolution is the process of linking different records of the same person together. This is essential for aggregating health data, as it allows researchers and clinicians to track patients over time and across different care settings. However, identity resolution is a complex and challenging problem.


4. There is a need for a more coordinated approach to health data sharing. Currently, health data is siloed in different systems, making it difficult to share and use. This fragmentation of data can lead to delays in care, duplication of tests, and medical errors. There is a need for a more coordinated approach to health data sharing, such as TEFCA, to improve the quality and efficiency of care.


5. Public engagement is essential for successful health data sharing. For health data sharing to be successful, it is essential to have the public’s trust. This means being transparent about how data is being used and giving people control over their own data. There is also a need to educate the public about the benefits of health data sharing.

These are just a few of the key takeaways from the CIVITAS’23 for Health conference. The conference highlighted the many challenges and opportunities associated with health data sharing, and it provided a forum for stakeholders to discuss how to move forward.


The future of health data sharing is bright. With continued collaboration and innovation, we can create a more efficient, equitable, and patient-centered healthcare system. Here are some specific actions that can be taken to make this vision a reality:


  • Support the implementation of TEFCA. TEFCA is a critical first step towards creating a nationwide network for sharing health data. We must work together to ensure that TEFCA is implemented in a way that protects patient privacy and security, and that encourages widespread adoption.
  • Invest in health data analytics. Health data analytics can be used to identify trends, improve care coordination, and develop new treatments. We must invest in the development of new health data analytics tools and technologies, and in the training of healthcare professionals in how to use these tools effectively.
  • Educate the public about the benefits of health data sharing. For health data sharing to be successful, it is essential to have the public’s trust. We must educate the public about the benefits of health data sharing, and about how their privacy will be protected.

By taking these actions, we can create a future where health data is shared freely and easily, and where everyone has access to the care they need.

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